Papi’s Bar and Chill at The Drake Hotel Angeles City

Me and the crew went out to eat at Papi’s Bar and Chill and enjoyed some DELICIOUS food! It was good to see our friends Eric and Mercy. We don’t get to hang out much these days like we used to. They’ve got a busy restaurant, bar, and hotel and we’ve got two growing children. We certainly miss the days of camping and barbecuing together, when we were all just trying to survive a lockdown.

The Drake Hotel is running a 25% OFF special on all their rooms right now. They’re junior room is only 900 pesos! That’s about $16.28 USD per night! They are also on agoda.

The Video About the Liquor Thieves

Camera Talk:

Folks, I totally screwed up the audio quality on this one. I’m running a new mic setup on the Sony FX3 using the top handle. This was my first test run and I had ALL of the settings screwed up! My bad. I’ll do better next time, my friends. It’s just growing pains on my filmmaking journey.