The Way Songkran is Supposed to Be Celebrated

Folks, here’s a video to show you what Songkran is supposed to look like. This was the most beautiful Songkran celebration I’ve ever experienced here in Thailand. I want to thank everyone on Koh Larn who organized and participated in the event.

Sometimes, we need to reset ourselves and this was a reset for me. It reminded me of why I fell in love with Thailand in the first place.

The holiday known as Songkran has turned into a commercialized, week-long party that obviously has been and is good for the economy here. But, with any area that caters to tourism, there comes change, crowds, and an impact on the local culture. Tourism creates jobs, but often to the detriment of tradition.

Everyone knows I love to party. That’s no secret and I’ll never stop. But, I’ll no longer participate in any of the madness during this holiday over in the tourist areas. It’s just the way it’s going to be.

This little parade was more memorable than anything else that’s happened on this trip. I’m certainly glad I was sitting here working on my laptop when it passed by.