What’s For Breakfast? Starving Donkeys and Leftover Parrots

I decided to clear out the Handsome Donkey barn a little bit earlier than usual. Why crowd them all into one show?

I enjoy consuming our beautiful comments in the morning over coffee but I’m often served a steaming side dish of negativity. The Handsome Donkeys provide me with a DELICIOUS all-you-can-eat, mostly-misspelled word buffet. The good thing is, I don’t think I’ll ever go hungry. Why? Because I take lemons and make lemonade. I eat negativity for breakfast and ask for seconds.

Join us while we read comments from a few Handsome Donkeys who are starving for attention. Also on the menu is a small flock of parrots with nothing new to offer.

Keep the colorful comments coming, my friends. We love it.