Going on a Spiritual Journey. What Does that Mean to You?

Overstay Road YouTube Channel

I’ve embarked on a spiritual journey to climb Mr. Everest before I die. It’s an adventure that could take two decades or more to complete. This quest is not just about climbing an extreme mountain. It’s about having challenging objectives in life. It’s about feeling alive by facing the probability of failure and the possibility of death.

Personally, I think it’s a waste of time to set goals that are easily achievable. There is no uncertainty or adventure in that. The difficult path is always more rewarding. That’s why I’ve resolved to climb Mt. Everest.

My personal spiritual journey has nothing to do with religion. It’s only 50% directly related to mountain climbing. Climbing Mt. Everest is just the tail end of this chapter in my life.

How do you interpret the concept when someone talks about a spiritual journey?

Here’s what it means to me in the simplest of terms:

It’s a state of mind that brings you peace with yourself and the world around you.

For some reason, we become consumed with curiosity about a goal, a place, an adventure, the world, or a challenge. That curiosity and intrigue becomes a magnet for positive energy and a shield against negativity. While going about our daily lives, just the thought of embarking on a celestial quest can brighten up a rainy day. A spiritual journey begins long before you step off into the unknown.

On a spiritual journey, you’re not going to find all of the answers you seek. The trip will inevitably result in the discovery of even more questions to ponder. I would even go as far to say that the more lost you seem after you return, then the more successful the trip.

Many people go on spiritual journeys to “find themselves.” That may sound a bit cliché these days, but it’s still a strong motivator.

Finding oneself usually only happens after being lost and alone for a while.

Spiritual journeys can range from spending six months in a monastery with Buddhist Monks, to sailing around the world solo, to hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. A brief spiritual journey could be an afternoon walk in the park with your dog or meditating alone at the beach.

It’s how you define it—not what I or others think. There are no time frames or rules when it comes to your spirituality.

What does a spiritual journey mean to you? Have you embarked on one before? I’d love to hear your thoughts.