Got Stomach Problems After Traveling? From Traveler’s Diarrhea, to C. Diff, to H. Pylori…

Let’s talk about what happened to my buddy Spider after he got a case of Traveler’s Diarrhea years ago. This is a follow-up video to that episode:


*LEGAL DISCLAIMER – I’M NOT A LICENSED DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER! I’m not here giving you medical advice so take this shit with a grain of salt. I’m just telling you what I think, have done, seen, and experienced, will do, etc. when it comes to the sticky topic of Traveler’s Diarrhea. This disclaimer is brought to you by my good friend, Captain Fucking Obvious. He’s got to write this shit to prevent a lawsuit from some skinny-jean-wearing asshole millennial who will blame me if his tummy still hurts after watching my video. If you think you have Traveler’s Diarrhea or ANY health problem, go see your doctor or a licensed medical professional instead of consulting me or Dr. Google! Do not take ANY medications without first consulting your doctor. There. That’s all the legal cheese I’m gonna serve. It’s a damn shame the world has evolved to the point where I have to waste my time and write this paragraph. The subject matter is serious because it pertains to your health. I’m presenting this information in order to invoke thought, give you some ideas to discuss with your doctor, and for general entertainment purposes.