Philosophy & Politics

Philosophy & Politics

The Difficult Path is More Rewarding

Should you pedal over the hill or around it? Sometimes in life the difficult path is more rewarding and the better choice.
Killing Sheep The Righteous Insurgent by Mark Blackard

The Righteous Insurgent

The Righteous Insurgent is the true story of a former narcotics agent sent to Afghanistan to catch Taliban bomb makers, terrorists, and drug smugglers.
King's Chronicles

How to Escape the Wrath of American Women

How to escape the wrath of American women and live like a king. The author's controversial philosophy on why relationships don't work in America.

Getting Robbed by the U.S. State Department

Here's a rambling video and post about getting robbed by the U.S. State Department. The fees for their services are out of control.
Why I Left Facebook - I Hate Cats

Why Did I Leave Facebook? Because I Hate Cats.

I made the decision to leave Facebook a few months ago. Here are the top 3 reasons why I deleted my account and said goodbye.
Gun Control - Politicians - Hypocrisy - Bad Karma

Gun Control, Politicians, Hypocrisy, and Bad Karma

My personal opinion on the debate over gun control in the United States.
How I Got A Corner Office World Travel

How I Got a Corner Office

Want to know how to work your way up to a corner office with a panoramic view of the city? With pretty girls and a nice breeze? Here's how I did it.

Living in another country vs. being a perpetual traveler. Which is better?

Is it better to settle down in a new country or just live out of your suitcase indefinitely? A quick overview of both.
Sriracha Tiger Zoo Thailand - Crocodile Show

If you quit drinking, watch out for the burning bush

Are you an alcoholic or just plain crazy? If you quit drinking, watch out for the burning bush.